
Truth &

& Control

Bespoke &

With Creative

About us

Kapp | Hebein | Partner is an agency for public relations.

We advise and support our clients in their daily communication work, in the context of extraordinary projects as well as in special media challenges and crises. As a small agency with an internationally experienced team, we work flexibly, objectively and tailored to the individual requirements of our clients. Our political experience enables us to develop communication strategies in a goal- and result-oriented way. In this respect, we regularly cooperate with the largest domestic law firms as well as renowned auditors.


Reputation and Positioning

In today’s media society, public opinion is like a currency. Therefore, a company's good reputation is like an ...
In today’s media society, public opinion is like a currency. Therefore, a company’s good reputation is like an account you can fall back on when things get tough. Those who pay attention to this account in good time enjoy trust, even when there is a need for explanation. Positive perception thus gives room for maneuver. Together with our clients, we work out strategies to develop and cultivate this good reputation.

Litigation PR

Legal disputes are increasingly being resolved before the Court of Public Opinion. In many cases, ...
Legal disputes are increasingly being resolved before the Court of Public Opinion. In many cases, irrespective of the outcome of the legal proceedings, the aim is to permanently damage the reputation of the opposing party – or at least to build up sufficient pressure from public opinion, so that a settlement is achieved. From many years of cooperation with the top law firms in Austria, we know the tricks and methods of this métier and can help to defend the reputation of our clients.

Public Participation

Today, administrative proceedings – e.g. for the expansion of industrial plants or the establishment of new facilities – increasingly...
Today, administrative proceedings – e.g. for the expansion of industrial plants or the establishment of new facilities – increasingly require supportive communication with the concerned public, relevant stakeholders, neighbours or citizens’ initiatives. The promise of new jobs has long since ceased to be sufficient in the face of frequently voiced environmental concerns. Timely and transparent information, open dialogue and a clever approach to stakeholders are indispensable. In cooperation with law firms, Kapp | Hebein | Partner regularly supports companies in developing a coherent strategy and messaging, finding the right tone, building justified trust thereby creating the best possible conditions for the realisation of important investments.

Crisis Communication

A crisis is usually a situation you are at least prepared for. In this case it helps to ...
A crisis is usually a situation you are at least prepared for. In this case it helps to get a reliable partner on board who, with an experienced and calm external view, helps to organize things and develop a way out of the turmoil. Our consultants helped solve some of the most difficult crises of recent years. In the acute crisis, we know what is of importance and we are available for you around the clock.

ESG Reporting and Communication

ESG ratings and reports on sustainability, compensation and corporate governance are gaining...
ESG ratings and reports on sustainability, compensation and corporate governance are gaining increasing significance – not only for those that are legally obliged to deliver, far more compliance with ESG standards gradually also influences the decisions of investors, lenders, business partners, and customers. Kapp | Hebein | Partner supports companies in designing their internal structures and reports according to international best practices and in expanding their corporate and communication strategies to include ESG topics in a relevant, yet practical manner.

Regulatory Affairs

In bureaucratic procedures, communication regularly plays a decisive role, where misunderstandings ...
In bureaucratic procedures, communication regularly plays a decisive role, where misunderstandings often lead to a potentially costly disadvantage for companies. Our long-running experience with bureaucratic practises and expectations bring customers the decisive added value in their conversations with authorities.

Reputation and Positioning

In today’s media society, public opinion is like a currency. Therefore, a company's good reputation is like an ...
In today’s media society, public opinion is like a currency. Therefore, a company’s good reputation is like an account you can fall back on when things get tough. Those who pay attention to this account in good time enjoy trust, even when there is a need for explanation. Positive perception thus gives room for maneuver. Together with our clients, we work out strategies to develop and cultivate this good reputation.

Litigation PR

Legal disputes are increasingly being resolved before the Court of Public Opinion. In many cases, ...
Legal disputes are increasingly being resolved before the Court of Public Opinion. In many cases, irrespective of the outcome of the legal proceedings, the aim is to permanently damage the reputation of the opposing party – or at least to build up sufficient pressure from public opinion, so that a settlement is achieved. From many years of cooperation with the top law firms in Austria, we know the tricks and methods of this métier and can help to defend the reputation of our clients.

Public Participation

Today, administrative proceedings – e.g. for the expansion of industrial plants or the establishment of new facilities – increasingly...
Today, administrative proceedings – e.g. for the expansion of industrial plants or the establishment of new facilities – increasingly require supportive communication with the concerned public, relevant stakeholders, neighbours or citizens’ initiatives. The promise of new jobs has long since ceased to be sufficient in the face of frequently voiced environmental concerns. Timely and transparent information, open dialogue and a clever approach to stakeholders are indispensable. In cooperation with law firms, Kapp | Hebein | Partner regularly supports companies in developing a coherent strategy and messaging, finding the right tone, building justified trust thereby creating the best possible conditions for the realisation of important investments.

Crisis Communication

A crisis is usually a situation you are at least prepared for. In this case it helps to ...
A crisis is usually a situation you are at least prepared for. In this case it helps to get a reliable partner on board who, with an experienced and calm external view, helps to organize things and develop a way out of the turmoil. Our consultants helped solve some of the most difficult crises of recent years. In the acute crisis, we know what is of importance and we are available for you around the clock.

ESG Reporting and Communication

ESG ratings and reports on sustainability, compensation and corporate governance are gaining...
ESG ratings and reports on sustainability, compensation and corporate governance are gaining increasing significance – not only for those that are legally obliged to deliver, far more compliance with ESG standards gradually also influences the decisions of investors, lenders, business partners, and customers. Kapp | Hebein | Partner supports companies in designing their internal structures and reports according to international best practices and in expanding their corporate and communication strategies to include ESG topics in a relevant, yet practical manner.

Regulatory Affairs

In bureaucratic procedures, communication regularly plays a decisive role, where misunderstandings ...
In bureaucratic procedures, communication regularly plays a decisive role, where misunderstandings often lead to a potentially costly disadvantage for companies. Our long-running experience with bureaucratic practises and expectations bring customers the decisive added value in their conversations with authorities.


In advising our clients, we call a spade a spade: It is only possible to assist clients in defining their goals and developing precisely the communications strategies that achieve these goals after facing up to the facts. It is not our task to flatter our clients, but rather to get straight to the point. Courteously, but unmistakably. We are prepared to accept the fact that some clients might find this irritating. However: Those who engage us can rely on us – to understand their perspectives, and to devote our energies to delivering custom-made solutions. Furthermore, our clients can also be sure that we will not seek to enhance our own reputation with theirs.  Discretion is a given.

In short, our work is grounded in:

  • Clarity and confidentiality

  • Expertise and experience

  • Bespoke Solutions

  • Reliability


Daniel Kapp
Managing Partner
Michaela Hebein
Managing Partner
Michael Oberbichler
Senior Consultant
Katharina Brandner
Senior Consultant

Silvia Hiebler

Office Operation


Kapp Hebein Partner GmbH

Public Relations

Tuchlauben 8, 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 235 04 22-0